A chi non piacerebbe svegliarsi una mattina d'Estate, uscire fuori casa e trovarsi un puledro purosangue come questo. Una Jaguar XK-R S che cattura subito l'attenzione con le sue numerose prese d'aria e il suo look da Transformer. I cerchi in lega forgiati Vulcan da 20" e le pinze dei freni di colore rosso con il logo Jaguar la rendono un pezzo unico e la distinguono dalla massa. Il look sportivo si nota anche dalle numerose rifiniture in nero lucido che predominano sull'intera auto e fanno da cornice a questo pezzo da collezione. Tuttavia, si sa, un'auto non è tale senza un motore e la potenza di un'auto del genere non si misura dagli spoiler, dalle prese d'aria o dalle rifiniture in nero lucido. La Jaguar non ha fatto mancare niente alla XK-R S montando un motore 5.0 litri supercharged AJ-V8 GEN III R potenziato, facendolo arrivare a 550 cv di potenza e 680 Nm di coppia per una velocità massima di 300 Km/h e uno 0-100 Km/h in 4,4 secondi. Dopo aver elencato tutte queste impressionanti caratteristiche tecniche, mi sorge un dubbio: serviranno davvero per affrontare il traffico di Roma? Penso, piuttosto, che sarà un povero giaguaro che nascerà in cattività per rincorrere tartarughe!
Who would not like to wake up one morning in Summer, get out of the house and be in front of a thoroughbred colt like this. A Jaguar XK-R S that immediately catches the eye with its numerous air vents and his look of a Transformer. The Vulcan forged alloy wheels 20" and the red brake calipers with the logo "Jaguar" makes a unique and stand out from the crowd. The sporty look is also known by the numerous glossy black finish that predominate over the entire car and are the framework for this collector's item. Nevertheless, you know, a car is not such without an engine and the power of a car like that is not measured only by the spoilers, air intakes or the glossy black finish . The Jaguar did not miss anything the XK-R S mounting a 5.0-liter supercharged AJ-V8 Gen III R and bring it boosted to 550 hp and 680 Nm of torque for a top speed of 300 km/h and a 0-100 km/h in 4.4 seconds. After having listed all these impressive specifications, it is a doubt: they will be really useful to face the traffic jams in Rome? I think it will be a poor jaguar born in captivity to chase turtles!
Who would not like to wake up one morning in Summer, get out of the house and be in front of a thoroughbred colt like this. A Jaguar XK-R S that immediately catches the eye with its numerous air vents and his look of a Transformer. The Vulcan forged alloy wheels 20" and the red brake calipers with the logo "Jaguar" makes a unique and stand out from the crowd. The sporty look is also known by the numerous glossy black finish that predominate over the entire car and are the framework for this collector's item. Nevertheless, you know, a car is not such without an engine and the power of a car like that is not measured only by the spoilers, air intakes or the glossy black finish . The Jaguar did not miss anything the XK-R S mounting a 5.0-liter supercharged AJ-V8 Gen III R and bring it boosted to 550 hp and 680 Nm of torque for a top speed of 300 km/h and a 0-100 km/h in 4.4 seconds. After having listed all these impressive specifications, it is a doubt: they will be really useful to face the traffic jams in Rome? I think it will be a poor jaguar born in captivity to chase turtles!
It seems a painting...really beautiful! |
Nice car!! *-*