Sorry Dad (part 1): Saab 9.5
I post di questa settimana o almeno i prossimi che scriverò saranno tutti dedicati a foto che ha scattato mio padre questa estate o che io sono riuscito a scattare grazie a lui. Vi ricordate l'ultimo post che ho scritto? Quello in cui dicevo di essermi annoiato mentre mio padre svolgeva le sue solite mansioni? Ecco l'ho fatto leggere anche a lui e, anche se dopo la lettura mi abbia detto che ho fatto un bel blog, ho notato un'aria seria e silenziosa mentre leggeva il punto in cui dicevo di essermi annoiato, come per dirmi:" Mmmm, bene, e io che pensavo il contrario", oppure:"Allora la prossima volta stattene a casa". Quindi si apre ufficialmente la settimana del "NON TE LA PRENDERE PAPA'", ma intitolata "Sorry Dad". Cominciamo dalla foto che fa da sfondo al blog, trovata nel suo computer che mi sembrava adatta per colorare quello sfondo azzurrino che c'era prima. Ma il pezzo forte è la foto della nuova Saab 9.5, scattata questa Estate a Budapest, che è in più una bellissima e moderna città (Visitatela). Io non sono mai stato un grande ammiratore delle Saab per il fatto che, almeno esteticamente, sono state sempre molto simili tra loro e nel tempo. Non c'è mai stato un grande rinnovamento stilistico, però la 9.5 è diversa dalle altre, può essere definita come l'ammiraglia della casa sia per l'allestimento interno, che la fa assomigliare sempre più ad un f-16, sia per il design che si discosta parzialmente dalle altre auto Saab. Devo dire con convinzione che comprerei quest'auto, in particolare il top, la Saab 9.5 aero Turbo 6 XWD, dove vi è anche l'aggiunta di tubi di scappamento a vista, che la rendono ancora più bella. Ho solo una foto, ma si possono comunque apprezzare le nuove linee dell'auto.
Lo sapevate che: Saab sta per Svenska Aeroplan AktieBolaget (aeroplani svedesi società per azioni).
The posts of this week or at least the next I'll write will be all dedicated to my father who took pictures this summer or that I took thanks to him. Do you remember the last post I wrote? The one where I said that I was bored while my father held his usual duties? Well, I made him read it and, although after the reading he said I've done a nice blog, I noticed a serious and silent attitude as he read where I said that I was bored, as if to say: " Hmm, well, I thought the opposite, "or:" So the next time stay at home. " So has officially opened the week of "DON'T MIND ABOUT IT, DAD '", but titled "Sorry Dad". Let's start from the picture you can see as background of the blog, found in my dad's computer which seemed appropriate to embellish the blue background that there was before. But let's highlight the photo of the new Saab 9.5, taken this summer in Budapest, which is a very beautiful and modern city (You should visit it!). I've never been a big fan of Saab because of the fact that, at least aesthetically, the cars were always very similar to each other and over time. There has never been a great renewal of the style, but the 9.5 is different from the others, and it can be defined as the flagship of the house for the interiors, which make it look more like a f-16, and for the design that differs in part from other Saab cars. I must say with conviction that I would buy this car, especially the top, the Saab Aero 9.5 Turbo XWD 6, where there is also the addition of exhaust pipes in sight, making it even more beautiful. I have only one photo, but you can still enjoy the new car lines in it.
Did you know: Saab stands for Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (Swedish aircraft company).
Lo sapevate che: Saab sta per Svenska Aeroplan AktieBolaget (aeroplani svedesi società per azioni).
The posts of this week or at least the next I'll write will be all dedicated to my father who took pictures this summer or that I took thanks to him. Do you remember the last post I wrote? The one where I said that I was bored while my father held his usual duties? Well, I made him read it and, although after the reading he said I've done a nice blog, I noticed a serious and silent attitude as he read where I said that I was bored, as if to say: " Hmm, well, I thought the opposite, "or:" So the next time stay at home. " So has officially opened the week of "DON'T MIND ABOUT IT, DAD '", but titled "Sorry Dad". Let's start from the picture you can see as background of the blog, found in my dad's computer which seemed appropriate to embellish the blue background that there was before. But let's highlight the photo of the new Saab 9.5, taken this summer in Budapest, which is a very beautiful and modern city (You should visit it!). I've never been a big fan of Saab because of the fact that, at least aesthetically, the cars were always very similar to each other and over time. There has never been a great renewal of the style, but the 9.5 is different from the others, and it can be defined as the flagship of the house for the interiors, which make it look more like a f-16, and for the design that differs in part from other Saab cars. I must say with conviction that I would buy this car, especially the top, the Saab Aero 9.5 Turbo XWD 6, where there is also the addition of exhaust pipes in sight, making it even more beautiful. I have only one photo, but you can still enjoy the new car lines in it.
Did you know: Saab stands for Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (Swedish aircraft company).
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