Last Friday Night
Quella di ieri è stata una serata fantastica: in piena reunion con i miei amici, ecco scintillare una delle ultime novità firmate Mercedes-Benz...e ora vi racconto. In pieno mood da happy hour in centro città, dopo il nostro aperitivo ipercalorico, si decide di comune accordo di omaggiare la tradizione con un gelato, tanto per rimanere leggeri. In un sottofondo di improvvisazioni teatrali, sketch comici ed infatuazioni passeggere, eccola passare, con le sue linee perfette e la sua aria di novità. L'ultimo arrivo della casa tedesca. Una SLK 200. Bellissima, con i suoi fari a LED, con i suoi 184 cavalli e i suoi 1796cc, si distingue dalle altre automobili e anche dalle sue vecchie sorelle per il nuovo telaio R172 che, esteticamente ricorda molto la SLS, soprattutto per il frontale, tra l'altro a mio parere ripreso anche per la nuova CLS, e per il retro dell'auto, nonostante i fari della SLK siano più grandi. Sono riuscito a catturare solo pochi scorci di questa bellezza con un cellulare, rischiando di tornare a casa bagnato a causa di una leggera pioggia londinese, gentilmente concessa da una signora che dall'alto del suo attico si è svegliata preoccupata che le sue gardenie soffrissero il caldo.
Last friday night was just amazing: in a full immersion of friends and laughs, there she goes! The last sneak peak by Mercedes Benz. In the middle of an happy hour in the city center, after our overhigh aperitif, we decide, of common agreement, to honor the tradition with an ice-cream, just to remain light. In a background of theatrical improvisations, sketch comedy and fleeting infatuations, there she go, with its perfect lines and its air of novelty. The last arrival of the German automobile manufacturer. A SLK 200. Beautiful, with its LED headlights, with its 184 hp and its 1796cc, distinguishes itself from other cars and also by his older sisters to the new R172 chassis that aesthetically resembles the SLS, especially for the front, moreover in my opinion also taken for the new CLS, and the back of the car, the headlights of the SLK are even larger. I managed to catch a few glimpses of this beauty with a cell phone, threatening to go home wet because of a londoner light rain , courtesy of a lady from her attic woke up worried that his gardenias were suffering the hot.
Last friday night was just amazing: in a full immersion of friends and laughs, there she goes! The last sneak peak by Mercedes Benz. In the middle of an happy hour in the city center, after our overhigh aperitif, we decide, of common agreement, to honor the tradition with an ice-cream, just to remain light. In a background of theatrical improvisations, sketch comedy and fleeting infatuations, there she go, with its perfect lines and its air of novelty. The last arrival of the German automobile manufacturer. A SLK 200. Beautiful, with its LED headlights, with its 184 hp and its 1796cc, distinguishes itself from other cars and also by his older sisters to the new R172 chassis that aesthetically resembles the SLS, especially for the front, moreover in my opinion also taken for the new CLS, and the back of the car, the headlights of the SLK are even larger. I managed to catch a few glimpses of this beauty with a cell phone, threatening to go home wet because of a londoner light rain , courtesy of a lady from her attic woke up worried that his gardenias were suffering the hot.
Osservate come il proprietario abbia parcheggiato l'auto al posto per i disabili...eppure quando è sceso non sembrava avesse problemi...chissà! |
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